Valley Stream salon

Since John, the apostle of our Lord Christ Jesus, is also the author of the last revelation from Christ Jesus to us, what we call the Book of Revelation it seems most appropriate to start with him in regards to who or what antichrists are, and what or who The Antichrist will be. John is the only one, after all, that mentioned the word antichrist which means in fact a substitute or counterfeit Christ. Christ is the anglicized Greek form of the word Messiah or in terms of Hebrew, the Deliverer or Savior. John, like the other apostles including Paul, are only repeating the teaching they received from Christ Jesus himself. It was Christ Jesus himself that first tells us of these false messiahs in his discord about the Last Days in Matthew 24 the Last Days which we are in, and have been for some time just as John himself said.

There are two types of antichrists, as John mentioned. The first type being the false ones, those who are trying to lead you astray like the false prophets, teachers, apostles, evangelists, etc. who come in Christ Jesus name who serve themselves. They are operating in the spirit of Antichrist. They come as Christians even wolves in sheeps clothing who do not teach you the words of Christ Jesus.

Most do not even mention his name. If they do mention Christ Jesus, they only do so with twisted words and rhetoric that return right back to themselves, and their ministry. Or it will continually be about controversial or humanistic ideas that have nothing to do with Christ Jesus, or what Christ Jesus commanded us to do. They will teach supposedly the Gospel message, but not one mention of Christ Jesus or what he did. What Christ Jesus did and who he is, dear pilgrims, IS the GOSPEL. There is no other Good News than that of Christ Jesus.

Valley Stream salon
Valley Stream salon
Valley Stream salon


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